Fullby Features

  • 2 Custom Menus (Main and Sub). Free
  • Grid Structure, display posts in a fluid modular grid Responsive (With animation on resize).Free
  • 1 Popular e Latest Post Widget (Show the most viewed posts in the Sidebar). Free
  • Featured Content System, add content to the header simply adding the tag "featured" to the post.Free
  • Header with Grid (3 Columns).Free
  • Header with Touch Slide / Video Support.
  • Header with Slider Image / Video Support.
  • Header with video Background.
  • Header with video Background Autoplay.
  • Header with Parallax Effect.
  • Header with 4 Box Grid.
  • Header with Single Image and List Articles.
  • Custom Icon, use font awesome icons simply paste the code from: http://fontawesome.io/icons/Free
  • 2 Vertical Sidebar (Widget ready). Free
  • Custom Logo, upload your Logo with the customizer of wordpress.
  • Custom Font, choose from 11 awesome Google Font.
  • Custom Header Height, choose from Small, Medium and Big.
  • Video Support, easy video publication copyng and pasting the url of Youtube/Vimeo video.
  • WooCommerce Ready, build an excelling eCommerce with Wordpress.
  • Polylang / WPML Ready for multilingual site.
  • Infinite Scroll Grid Structure, load posts scroll down the page.
  • Full Width Page Template
  • 1 Horizontal Widget Sidebar with horizontal animation (Widget ready).
  • New color system. Choose from a combination of 5 Colors. Links, Header, Hover State, Second Menu & more.
  • 12 skin (BlueRed, MagentaYellow, GreenPink, YellowCian, RedBlue, BlackGreen, Dark, Light).
  • 1 Footer Widget Bar (Widget ready).
  • Custom Layout System, show one ore two Sidebar, on the left or on the right. Hide Sidebar in Home Layout.
  • Hide Second Menu Option
  • 2 Custom Widgets (Show Last 3 post from Category, Show Last one post form Category).
  • Author Info Box, show Author Bio and Social page at the end of the Article.
  • Gallery Pop Up System, open your Gallery in a cool pop up Responsive.
  • Show Excerpt, Fixed Height Post or Full content in home.
  • Social Share System, share content easily.
  • Social Icon, show your social pages.
  • Related Posts on single page.
  • Seo Optimization, Google analytics and custom description support.
  • Premium Support, full Assistance and Clear Documetation.

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